Specialization の変更点
* 特殊化 [#mcb5553f] リーダーは3つの特殊化 (Specialization) を有することができます。 特殊化は重要な要素です。種族/クラスとの組み合わせ次第で、戦略&戦術の幅はより広く厚いものになります。 属性系の特殊化は2段階にわかれています。「使者(Adapt)」と「司る者(Master)」です。 「使者」には基本的なスキルが、「司る者」にはより強力で発展したスキルがあります。 「司る者」のスキルは、同属性の「使者」を習得してる場合のみ選択することができます。 ※「創造の使者」を取っていれば「創造を司る者」も取れるが、他属性の「司る者」を取ることは出来ない。&br; ※「創造の使者」を取っていれば「創造を司る者」も取れる。そして特殊化は3つまでしか取れない為、他属性の「司る者」を取れない。&br; 「使者」の特殊化は、領域内にある同属性のマナノードにボーナスを与えます。&ref(image/Resource_mana[1].png,nolink);+5/ターン毎。 &br; &br; //* エア [#mcb5553f] //大気の力を操り敵を窒息させ、強力な大気の精霊を召喚し、射撃攻撃を強化または妨害したり、土地を寒気で包み込んだりする魔術師です。 //&ref(image/Specialization_air[1].png,nolink);アデプト //|名称|Tier/種別|研究コスト|使用マナ|効果|h// //|エアノード マナ ボーナス|Tier I&br;Passive|-|-|エアノードから+5&ref(image/Resource_mana[1].png,nolink);のマナを得ます。| //|サフォケイト|Tier I&br;戦闘用|80|7ユ|真空状態を作り出し、敵を窒息させます。対象の敵ユニットに15のダメージを与えます。アンデッド、機械、霊体ユニットは対象になりません。| //|シーカー エンチャントメント|Tier II&br;戦闘用|140|10|対象の味方ユニットの物理射撃攻撃は障害物と視界阻害の影響を受けなくなります。| //|ドメイン オブ ウィンター|Tier III&br;フィールド(友)|180|80&br;12(ターン)|対象の味方都市の地形を極寒の地に変えます。| //|サモン ゼフィール バード|Tier III&br;召還|220|80&br;9(ターン)|ゼフィールド バードを召喚します。| //マスター //|名称|Tier/種別|研究コスト|使用マナ|効果|h //|ヘイスト|Tier IV&br;戦闘用|400|10|戦闘終了まで対象ユニットの移動範囲を2倍に広げます。| //|アークティック エンパイア|Tier IV&br;フィールド|350|100&br;12(ターン)|使用者の帝国領土より極地が広がっていきます。| //|ウィンド ワード|Tier V&br;戦闘用|800|20|強力な突風を呼び起こし、戦場における射撃攻撃に有効性を低下させます。全ての射撃攻撃は攻撃力が8低下します。| //|サモン エア エレメンタル|Tier VI&br;召還|1200|180&br;18(ターン)|エア エレメンタルを召喚します。| //* Earth [#o44545c7] //&ref(image/Specialization_earth[1].png,nolink); //Earth and stone are at your command to rain down on your enemies, protect your units, shake down walls and even summon powerful Earth Elementals. //Adept // Stoning // Tier I Combat Instant Spell, 80 Research, 15 Mana // Deals 24 Physical Damage to Target Enemy // Stoneskin // Tier II Combat Unit Enchantment Spell, 120 Research, 8 Mana // Target Friendly Unit gains +3 Defense // Earth Domain // Tier III Strategic City Enchantment, 180 Research, 80 Mana + 12 per turn // Target Friendly City now likes Subterranean Terrain. // Regenerate Walls // Tier III Combat Battlefield Enchantment, 180 Research, 20 Mana // Heals and Restores all Walls by +20HP every Round //Mastery // Slow // Tier IV Combat Unit Enchantment, 350 Research, 10 Mana // Target Enemy Unit has it's movement radius halved until end of combat. // City Quake // Tier V Strategic Instant Spell, 800 Research, 100 Mana // Kills 20% of Target Enemy City's Population and destroys 1 random City Upgrade // Summon Earth Elemental // Tier VI Strategic Summon Spell, 1200 Research, 180 Mana + 18 per Turn // Summons an Earth Elemental, a Floating Magical Monster // Earthquake // Tier VII Combat Instant Spell, 2500 Research, 50 Mana // A devastating earthquake deals 60 Damage to all Walls and 40 Damage to all Units on the Battlefield. Flying units and Floating units are immune. //* Fire [#x4b01acf] //&ref(image/Specialization_fire[1].png,nolink); //The power of fire is yours to rain down on your enemies, shield your own units, thrive in tropical heat and summon powerful fire elementals. //Adept // Fireball // Tier I Combat Instant Spell, 80 Research, 10 Mana // Deals 10 Physical and 12 Fire damage to target Enemy or Wall. //Skin of Oil // Tier II Combat Debuff Spell, 100 Research, 8 Mana // Target Enemy loses 1 Physical Strength, Defense, and Resistance, and gains 40% Fire Weakness // Domain of the Sun // Tier III Strategic City Enchantment, 180 Research, 80 Mana + 12 per turn // Target Friendly City now likes Tropical and Volcanic terrain. // Summon Hellhound // Tier III Strategic Summon Spell, 180 Research, 70 Mana + 9 per turn // Summons a Hellhound, a Tier II Monster //Mastery // Fire Halo // Tier IV Combat Unit Enchantment, 350 Research, 8 Mana // Target Friendly Unit gains 100% Fire Resistance and +1 Melee Fire Damage // Tropical Empire // Tier IV Strategic World Enchantment, 350 Research, 100 Mana + 12 per Turn // Tropical Terrain spreads out from the caster's Empire // Summon Fire Elemental // Tier VI Strategic Summon Spell, 1200 Research, 180 Mana + 18 per Turn // Summons a Fire Elemental, a Floating Magical Monster // Hellfire // Tier VII Combat Instant Spell, 2500 Research, 50 Mana // Deals 30 Damage to all Walls and 50 Fire Damage to all Units on the Battlefield //* Water [#s1b1f61d] //&ref(image/Specialization_water[1].png,nolink); //Govern the ebb and flow of Water and turn rivers wild, freeze water, rot machines, dissolve your enemies and summon the unyielding Water Elemental. //Adept // Vengeful Frost // Tier I Combat Instant Spell, 70 Research, 7 Mana // Deals 15 Frost damage to Target Enemy // Rot // Tier II Combat Instant Spell, 120 Research, 15 Mana // Deals 20 Physical Damage to Target Enemy Machine unit, jumping up to 3 times // Freeze Water // Tier III Strategic Terraforming Spell, 220 Research, 40 Mana // Freezes 7 Hexes of water terrain for 3 turns // Summon Baby Kraken // Tier III Strategic Summon Spell, 180 Research, 70 Mana, 9 per turn // Summons a Baby Kraken, an Aquatic only Sea Monster //Mastery // Drench the Land // Tier IV Strategic Instant Spell, 350 Research, 60 Mana // Target Hex and a 2 Hex radius around it are converted to Wetlands // Healing Showers // Tier IV Combat Instant Spell, 400 Research, 15 Mana // Summons Healing Rain over Target Hex and a 2 Hex radius around it, healing All Units for 20 and removing Fire Buffs and Debuffs. Machines and Undead cannot be healed. // Great Hail // Tier V Combat Instant Spell, 750 Research, 20 Mana // Target Hex and a 2 Hex radius around it take 20 Physical and 5 Frost Damage from falling hailstones // Summon Frost Elemental // Tier VI Strategic Summon Spell, 1200 Research, 180 Mana + 18 per Turn // Summons a Frost Elemental, a Floating Magic Monster //* Creation [#m2f328d1] //&ref(image/Specialization_creation[1].png,nolink); //As a follower of Creation you have the power to rejuvenate lands, protect and heal your troops and oppose the unnatural. Creation has good alignment skills. //Adept // Bless // Tier I Combat Enchantment, 60 Research, 5 Mana // Target Friendly Unit gains +2 Defense and Resistance // Holy Cure // Tier II Combat Instant Spell, 140 Research, 10 mana // Restores 25 Health to Target Friendly Unit. Undead, Machines, and Animated Units can't be healed. // Domain of Life // Tier III Strategic City Enchantment, 180 Research, 80 Mana + 12 per turn // Target Friendly City now likes Temperate Terrain; +25 Alignment // Cleanse the Land // Tier III Strategic Instant Spell, 220 Research, 50 Mana; +25 Alignment // Target Hexes in a 3 Hex Radius are converted into Temperate Terrain. //Mastery // Condemn Killing // Tier IV Combat Battlefield Enchantment, 350 Research, 10 Mana // Whenever a Devout unit is killed, it's killer is cursed, reducing it's Defense and Resistance by 3. +25 Alignment // Temperate Empire // Tier IV Strategic World Enchantment, 350 Research, 100 Mana + 12 per Turn // Temperate Terrain gradually spreads out from your Empire. +25 Alignment // Bane of the Unnatural // Tier V Combat Battlefield Enchantment, 700 Research, 20 Mana // All units except Undead, Summoned, or Magical units gain +5 Holy Strengthagainst Undead, Summoned, or Magical units. +25 Alignment // Resurrect // Tier VI Combat Instant Spell, 1600 Research, 20 Mana // Resurrects Target Friendly Unit, returning it to life with 50% HP. Undead and Machines cannot be resurrected. //* Destruction [#ob60d0b6] //&ref(image/Specialization_destruction[1].png,nolink); //The forces of Destruction enable you to disintegrate foes, plunder cities, kill enemy's population and wreak havoc upon the lands. Destrucion has evil alignment skills. //Adept // Hasty Plunder // Tier I Empire Upgrade, 80 Research // Plundering is now as fast as Razing // Killer Instinct // Tier II Combat Unit Enchantment, 120 Research, 6 Mana // Target Friendly Unit gains Draconian, Dwarf, Elf, Goblin, Human, and Dwarf Slayer // Scorched Earth // Tier II Strategic City Enchantment, 140 Research, 60 Mana + 9 per turn // Target City you own will be Razed instantly when you lose control over; -25 Alignment // Domain of Corruption // Tier III Strategic City Enchantment, 180 Research, 80 Mana + 12 per turn // Target Friendly City now Likes Blighted Terrain; -25 Alignment //Mastery // Blight Empire // Tier IV Strategic World Enchantment, 350 Research, 100 Mana + 12 per Turn // Blight Terrain gradually spreads from your Empire, -25 Alignment // Wreck // Tier IV Combat Unit Enchantment, 350 Research, 10 Mana // Target Enemy Boat, Machine, or Undead Unit suffers 40% Physical Weakness until end of combat // Storm Magic // Tier V Empire Upgrade, 800 Research // Instant Spells deal 20% more Damage // Disintegrate // Tier VI Combat Instant Spell, 1200 Research, 20 Mana // Attempts to deal 50 Damage to Target Enemy Unit. If it Resists, it takes 25 Damage instead //* Explorer [#h9ac352d] //&ref(image/Specialization_explorer[1].png,nolink); //Nothing remains hidden or unknown for explorers and their excellent scouts. //Adeptのみ // Scout Training // Tier I Empire Upgrade, 60 Research // All Irregular Units receive +1 Vision Range // Off the Beaten Path // Tier II Empire Upgrade, 120 Research // Irregular Units receive Mountaineering, Forestry, and Wetlands Walking // Trail Running // Tier III Empire Upgrade, 220 Research // Irregular Units receive +12 Movement //* Expander [#z138614e] //&ref(image/Specialization_expander.png,nolink); //Expanders have the tools to grow their empire quicker and bigger. //Adeptのみ // Fertility Rites // Tier I Empire Upgrade, 90 Research // Your Empire's Population increases 15% fater // Rugged Pioneers // Tier II Empire Upgrade, 120 Research // Laborer Units (Builders and Settlers) gain +8 Movement and Mountaineering // Expansionism // Tier III Empire Upgrade, 180 Research // Outposts gain an additional 20 Production and their Population growth is Doubled // Swift Migration // Tier IV Empire Upgrade, 400 Research // Migration is Instantaneous |