Specialization のバックアップ(No.4)

リーダーは3つの特殊化 (Specialization) をすることができます。

Air Edit

Harnessing the power of Air you suffocate your enemies, summon mighty Air Elementals, help or hinder ranged attacks and turn the lands to ice with freezing winds.

Empire UpgradeTier I
--Air Nodesから+5Resource_mana[1].png
Suffocate(窒息)Tier I
Seeker EnchantmentTier II
14010Target Friendly Unit's Ranged Attacks ignore Obstacles and Ranged Penalties
Domain of WinterTier III
Target Friendly City now likes Arctic Terrain
Summon Zephyr BirdTier III
Summons a Zephyr Bird, a Flying Animal


HasteTier IV
40010target friendly unit is Hasted until end of combat. Hasted units have their movement radius doubled.
Arctic EmpireTier IV
Arctic terrain gradually spreads out from the caster's Empire.
Wind WardTier V
80020Mighty gusts sweep over the battlefield, altering the trajectory of ranged attacks. All ranged attacks suffer a -8 strength penalty.
Summon Air ElementalTier VI
Summon an Air Elemental.

Earth Edit

Earth and stone are at your command to rain down on your enemies, protect your units, shake down walls and even summon powerful Earth Elementals.

Tier I Combat Instant Spell, 80 Research, 15 Mana
Deals 24 Physical Damage to Target Enemy

Tier II Combat Unit Enchantment Spell, 120 Research, 8 Mana
Target Friendly Unit gains +3 Defense

Earth Domain
Tier III Strategic City Enchantment, 180 Research, 80 Mana + 12 per turn
Target Friendly City now likes Subterranean Terrain.

Regenerate Walls
Tier III Combat Battlefield Enchantment, 180 Research, 20 Mana
Heals and Restores all Walls by +20HP every Round 


Tier IV Combat Unit Enchantment, 350 Research, 10 Mana
Target Enemy Unit has it's movement radius halved until end of combat.

City Quake
Tier V Strategic Instant Spell, 800 Research, 100 Mana
Kills 20% of Target Enemy City's Population and destroys 1 random City Upgrade

Summon Earth Elemental
Tier VI Strategic Summon Spell, 1200 Research, 180 Mana + 18 per Turn
Summons an Earth Elemental, a Floating Magical Monster

Tier VII Combat Instant Spell, 2500 Research, 50 Mana
A devastating earthquake deals 60 Damage to all Walls and 40 Damage to all Units on the Battlefield. Flying units and Floating units are immune.

Fire Edit

The power of fire is yours to rain down on your enemies, shield your own units, thrive in tropical heat and summon powerful fire elementals.

Tier I Combat Instant Spell, 80 Research, 10 Mana
Deals 10 Physical and 12 Fire damage to target Enemy or Wall.

Skin of Oil
Tier II Combat Debuff Spell, 100 Research, 8 Mana 
Target Enemy loses 1 Physical Strength, Defense, and Resistance, and gains 40% Fire Weakness

Domain of the Sun
Tier III Strategic City Enchantment, 180 Research, 80 Mana + 12 per turn
Target Friendly City now likes Tropical and Volcanic terrain.

Summon Hellhound
Tier III Strategic Summon Spell, 180 Research, 70 Mana + 9 per turn
Summons a Hellhound, a Tier II Monster 


Fire Halo
Tier IV Combat Unit Enchantment, 350 Research, 8 Mana
Target Friendly Unit gains 100% Fire Resistance and +1 Melee Fire Damage

Tropical Empire
Tier IV Strategic World Enchantment, 350 Research, 100 Mana + 12 per Turn
Tropical Terrain spreads out from the caster's Empire

Summon Fire Elemental
Tier VI Strategic Summon Spell, 1200 Research, 180 Mana + 18 per Turn
Summons a Fire Elemental, a Floating Magical Monster

Tier VII Combat Instant Spell, 2500 Research, 50 Mana
Deals 30 Damage to all Walls and 50 Fire Damage to all Units on the Battlefield

Water Edit

Govern the ebb and flow of Water and turn rivers wild, freeze water, rot machines, dissolve your enemies and summon the unyielding Water Elemental.


Vengeful Frost
Tier I Combat Instant Spell, 70 Research, 7 Mana
Deals 15 Frost damage to Target Enemy

Tier II Combat Instant Spell, 120 Research, 15 Mana
Deals 20 Physical Damage to Target Enemy Machine unit, jumping up to 3 times

Freeze Water
Tier III Strategic Terraforming Spell, 220 Research, 40 Mana
Freezes 7 Hexes of water terrain for 3 turns

Summon Baby Kraken
Tier III Strategic Summon Spell, 180 Research, 70 Mana, 9 per turn
Summons a Baby Kraken, an Aquatic only Sea Monster 


Drench the Land
Tier IV Strategic Instant Spell, 350 Research, 60 Mana
Target Hex and a 2 Hex radius around it are converted to Wetlands

Healing Showers
Tier IV Combat Instant Spell, 400 Research, 15 Mana
Summons Healing Rain over Target Hex and a 2 Hex radius around it, healing All Units for 20 and removing Fire Buffs and Debuffs. Machines and Undead cannot be healed.

Great Hail
Tier V Combat Instant Spell, 750 Research, 20 Mana
Target Hex and a 2 Hex radius around it take 20 Physical and 5 Frost Damage from falling hailstones

Summon Frost Elemental
Tier VI Strategic Summon Spell, 1200 Research, 180 Mana + 18 per Turn
Summons a Frost Elemental, a Floating Magic Monster

Creation Edit

As a follower of Creation you have the power to rejuvenate lands, protect and heal your troops and oppose the unnatural. Creation has good alignment skills.


Tier I Combat Enchantment, 60 Research, 5 Mana
Target Friendly Unit gains +2 Defense and Resistance

Holy Cure
Tier II Combat Instant Spell, 140 Research, 10 mana
Restores 25 Health to Target Friendly Unit. Undead, Machines, and Animated Units can't be healed.

Domain of Life
Tier III Strategic City Enchantment, 180 Research, 80 Mana + 12 per turn
Target Friendly City now likes Temperate Terrain; +25 Alignment

Cleanse the Land
Tier III Strategic Instant Spell, 220 Research, 50 Mana; +25 Alignment
Target Hexes in a 3 Hex Radius are converted into Temperate Terrain. 


Condemn Killing
Tier IV Combat Battlefield Enchantment, 350 Research, 10 Mana
Whenever a Devout unit is killed, it's killer is cursed, reducing it's Defense and Resistance by 3. +25 Alignment

Temperate Empire
Tier IV Strategic World Enchantment, 350 Research, 100 Mana + 12 per Turn
Temperate Terrain gradually spreads out from your Empire. +25 Alignment

Bane of the Unnatural
Tier V Combat Battlefield Enchantment, 700 Research, 20 Mana
All units except Undead, Summoned, or Magical units gain +5 Holy Strengthagainst Undead, Summoned, or Magical units. +25 Alignment

Tier VI Combat Instant Spell, 1600 Research, 20 Mana
Resurrects Target Friendly Unit, returning it to life with 50% HP. Undead and Machines cannot be resurrected. 

Destruction Edit

The forces of Destruction enable you to disintegrate foes, plunder cities, kill enemy's population and wreak havoc upon the lands. Destrucion has evil alignment skills.


Hasty Plunder
Tier I Empire Upgrade, 80 Research
Plundering is now as fast as Razing

Killer Instinct
Tier II Combat Unit Enchantment, 120 Research, 6 Mana
Target Friendly Unit gains Draconian, Dwarf, Elf, Goblin, Human, and Dwarf Slayer

Scorched Earth
Tier II Strategic City Enchantment, 140 Research, 60 Mana + 9 per turn
Target City you own will be Razed instantly when you lose control over; -25 Alignment

Domain of Corruption
Tier III Strategic City Enchantment, 180 Research, 80 Mana + 12 per turn
Target Friendly City now Likes Blighted Terrain; -25 Alignment 


Blight Empire
Tier IV Strategic World Enchantment, 350 Research, 100 Mana + 12 per Turn
Blight Terrain gradually spreads from your Empire, -25 Alignment

Tier IV Combat Unit Enchantment, 350 Research, 10 Mana
Target Enemy Boat, Machine, or Undead Unit suffers 40% Physical Weakness until end of combat

Storm Magic
Tier V Empire Upgrade, 800 Research
Instant Spells deal 20% more Damage

Tier VI Combat Instant Spell, 1200 Research, 20 Mana
Attempts to deal 50 Damage to Target Enemy Unit. If it Resists, it takes 25 Damage instead 

Explorer Edit

Nothing remains hidden or unknown for explorers and their excellent scouts.


Scout Training
Tier I Empire Upgrade, 60 Research
All Irregular Units receive +1 Vision Range

Off the Beaten Path
Tier II Empire Upgrade, 120 Research
Irregular Units receive Mountaineering, Forestry, and Wetlands Walking

Trail Running
Tier III Empire Upgrade, 220 Research
Irregular Units receive +12 Movement 

Expander Edit

Expanders have the tools to grow their empire quicker and bigger.


Fertility Rites
Tier I Empire Upgrade, 90 Research
Your Empire's Population increases 15% fater

Rugged Pioneers
Tier II Empire Upgrade, 120 Research
Laborer Units (Builders and Settlers) gain +8 Movement and Mountaineering

Tier III Empire Upgrade, 180 Research
Outposts gain an additional 20 Production and their Population growth is Doubled

Swift Migration
Tier IV Empire Upgrade, 400 Research
Migration is Instantaneous

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