Race のバックアップ(No.2)

Human / 人間 Edit

Humans are strange mix of all races.
Some desire to invent and build things.
Others desire to rule and wield power, while others are content to sit int the shade of the trees and tell stories to children.
Some humans are deeply spiritual, while others show a knack for learning powers others had forgotten.
Their governments are in a state of constant evolution, while every individual is of their own mind.
Every man walks after their own pursuit with brazen disegard for the laws of nature or the order of life."

好む土地: Fertile Plains Terrain
苦手な土地: Arctic and Subterranean Terrain
嫌いな土地: Blighted and Volcanic Terrain
Resource_production[1].png +5 を都市から常に生み出す

Human Civic Guard
Human Longswordsman
Human Archer
Human Halberdier
Human Priest
Human Cavalry
Human Knight

High Elf / ハイエルフ Edit

Elves are immortal, living a life without end.
These delicate and graceful beings are the elders of this world. Elves have close ties to nature and life.
They love music, lore and dance but are solitary, preferring to seek their pleasures away for the prying eyes of the world.
When intruders come to their forests they rarely escape, and those taken from an Elven forest, after having dwelt among the elves, often die of broken hearts and unspoken remorse.

好む土地: Dense Vegetation Terrain
苦手な土地: Tropical and Subterranean Terrain
嫌いな土地: Blighted and Volcanic Terrain
Stat_resistance[1].png +1
Stat_physical[1].png +1 物理遠隔攻撃
Stat_shock[1].png +1 遠隔攻撃
Stat_blight_resistance[1].png -20%
Resource_knowledge[1].png +3 都市が常に生み出す

High Elf Initiate
High Elf Swordsman
High Elf Longbowman
High Elf Union Guard
High Elf Storm Sister
High Elf Unicorn Rider
High Elf Gryphon Rider

Orc / オーク Edit

Orcs are creatures of destruction.
They live to break things down, and so it is with great difficulty that a master of Orcs must gather the tribes together and form a city.
They care little for magic, but prefer to trust in the power of cruelty and strength.
Orcs hate things of beauty, unless that thing is cruel.
When bored, they will just as readily destroy themselves as any particular race, but as a result, they are efficient workers when organized by powerful leaders, and they are accustomed to working under duress of harsh taskmasters.

好む土地: Barren Terrain
苦手な土地: Arctic Terrain
嫌いな土地: Volcanic and Blighted Terrain
Stat_hp[1].png +5
Stat_resistance[1].png -1
Stat_physical[1].png +1 近接攻撃
Stat_physical[1].png -1 遠隔攻撃
ユニットにNight Visionのスキルが付与される

Orc Spearman
Orc Impaler
Orc Razerbow
Orc Greatsword
Orc Priest
Orc Black Knight
Orc Shock Trooper

Goblin / ゴブリン Edit

Goblins squirmed forth from the bowels of the earth, far before they were supposed to, so says a myth.
Goblins are filthy sadistic creatures, which delight in destruction and chaos.
They bubble from the earth as a filthy mass.
They desire to reclaim all dark caves from any other living thing.
Goblins are short and skinny, hunched over with lengthy arms that dangle near to the ground.
Their skins are typically faded orange and brown, matching the earth. They have considerable eyesight underground, and are seldom taken by surprise.

好む土地: Wetlands Terrain
苦手な土地: Arctic and Tropical Terrain
嫌いな土地: Volcanic Terrain
Stat_hp[1].png -5
Stat_blight_resistance[1].png +40%
Resource_gold[1].png -10% ユニットコスト
Resource_population[1].png +10% 成長補正
ユニットにCave Crawlingのスキルが付与される
ユニットにWetlands Walkingのスキルが付与される

Goblin Untouchable
Goblin Marauder
Goblin Skewer
Goblin Blight Doctor
Goblin Swarm Darter
Goblin Warg Rider
Goblin Big Beetle

Dwarf / ドワーフ Edit

Dwarves are hardy mountain kin which live in the earth or rugged places of the land.
They value strength and hard work.
Their minds are slow ot the ways of diplomacy, preferring to strike their enemies with the force of their blows over spending inordinate amounts of energy in lengthy, sleep-inducing talk.
They love to create things and find great satisfaction in creating vast structures adorned with the treasures discovered deep within the earth.
Dwarves are strong fighters, some preferring to forego armor and shields to wield two axes and pure rage.
Their sure-footed strides carry them over the high slopes they revere.

好む土地: Mountains and Coastal Mountain Terrain
苦手な土地: Tropical Terrain
嫌いな土地: Blighted Terrain
Stat_defense[1].png +1
Stat_resistance[1].png +1
Stat_blight_resistance[1].png +20%
Resource_gold[1].png +10% ユニットコスト
ユニットにCave Crawlingのスキルが付与される
ユニットにNight Visionのスキルが付与される

Dwarf Prospector
Dwarf Axeman
Dwarf Crossbowman
Dwarf Deepguard
Dwarf Forge Priest
Dwarf Boar Rider
Dwarf Firstborn

Draconian / ドラコニアン Edit

When the Human race rose to power, the race of dragons, especially the young dragons, suffered a terrible price.
Among the Humans, dragons were more valuable dead than alive, hunted for glory, sport, money, and to mix in their foul-smelling potions.
With no regard to the intelligent creatures that dragons might become in time, the humans devastated the dragon kin.
The Dragons turned to Wizards of Evermore, using powerful magic to create a new breed of followers.
They sacrificed their remaining young for the power to keep the humans at bay.
The dragons unleashed the powers in their eggs, vowing that once they achieved supremacy they would reform themselves into ancient dragonkind again.

好む土地: Barren and Lava Terrain
苦手な土地: Arctic Terrain
嫌いな土地: Blighted Terrain
Stat_fire_resistance[1].png +20%
Stat_frost_resistance[1].png -20%
Resource_mana[1].png +3を都市が常に生み出す
ユニットにFast Healingのスキルを付与

Draconian Hatchling
Draconian Crusher
Draconian Flamer
Draconian Charger
Draconian Elder
Draconian Raptor
Draconian Flyer

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