Goblins のバックアップ(No.2)
※編集中。日本語化ファイルの神秘の書データ & 海外の"Age-of-Woders-3.wikia.com"のデータを元に作成してます。 クラスとの連携
Goblins synergize well with classes that can provide durable, front line troops to protect their ranged units, or those that build on their Blight Text poison specialty. They make surprisingly effective dreadnoughts, despite their lack of Armored armored troops – goblin musketeers are cheap to train in dangerous numbers, and dreadnought machines reduce their reliance on poison and their own relatively fragile melee troops. Sorcerer summons can also provide them with a durable melee screen that can match their mobility in swampy terrain. Goblin Rogues and Arch Druids can further capitalize on the goblin affinity with Blight Text poisons, although this risks leaving them with few options against foes that are immune to Blight Text blight. Arch Druids can also capitalize on goblin +10% Population Text Population Growth.(英語版wikiから) 地形