Achievements のバックアップ(No.2)


実績 Edit


first blood初勝利win a tactical battle戦闘に勝利する


first blood(初勝利)win a tactical battle戦闘に勝利する

first blood - win a tactical battle
setting down - found an outpost
scorched earth - raze of plunder a town
siege master - win a siege battle
represent - create a custom leader
adventurer - complete a quest
silver tongue - acquire an independent town through diplomacy
treasure raider - clear an exploration site
seasoned - promote a unit to gold
seaworthy - embark a unit
friend of monsters - acquire a dwelling
talent scout - recruit 3 heroes in a single game
well equipped - fill all equipment slots on a single leader or hero
black smith - sreate an item in the item forge
mama? - hatch an egg
caster - have 50 casting points on your leader
master of the unknown - win a random scenario
overlord - get a pure evil alignment
best friends forever - form an alliance
mystical city - build a city specialization upgrade
power unleashed - win any level by claiming a seal victory
first!! - complete an empire quest
fortune's favor - maximize a unit's luck

paradise city - produce all city-upgrades in a single city
scholar - research all skills in a single game
protector of the light - get a pure good alignment
champion of the commonwealth - win the campaign for the commonwealth
champion of the elven court - win the campaign for the elven court
rebel of the commonwealth - win as commonwealth defector
rebel of the elven court - win as elven court defector
challenger - start an online game
taste of victory - win an online game
champion of wonders win 10 online games
grand master of wonders - win 30 online games
mine crafted - (説明欄空欄)
the importance of being ernest - win the campaign for the golden realm
you work for me now - force the AI to surrender to you
party pooper - use throw filth on an enemy
elephant whisperer - befriend an elephant
fourteenth bloodline - obtain a naga dwelling
community member - play a user created map
master of eternal silence - win the eternal lords campaign for the undead
master of eternal magic - win the eternal lords campaigh for the shadowborn
master of eternal winter - win the eternal lords campaign for the frostlings
for whom the bell tolls - kill a leader with invoke death
winter has come - win any lebel with a frostling leader
lady of darkness - summon a fallen angel
lady of light - summon an arch angel
keep the faith - win any level with a keeper of peace leader
lady of justice - summon a chthonic guardian
iron sky - win any level with a keeper of peace leader
deep friendships - obtain a reef colony
going postal - participate in a PBEM game
V-mail - win a PBEM game
dedicated monogamist - max out the race governance for one race in a single game
interracial harmony - max out the race governance for three races in a single game
liberator - liberate an oppressed enemy city via a betrayal event
great unifier - win a unifier victory

archdruid's triumph - win any level with the archdruid leader class
warlord's triumph - win any level with the warlord leader class
sorcerer's triumph - win any level with the sorcerer leader class
theocrat's triumph - win any level with the theocrat leader class
dreadnought's triumph - win any level with the dreadnought leader class
necromancer's triunph - win any level with the necromancer leader class
rogue's triumph - win any level with the rogue leader class

  • win any level with the オーク
  • win any level with the ゴブリン
  • win any level with the tigran leader
  • win any level with the ドラコニアン
  • win any level with the ドワーフ
  • win any level with the ハーフリング
  • win any level with the ハイエルフ
  • win any level with the ヒューマン
  • win any level with the フロストリング
  • win any level with a shadowborn leader
    Necromancer’s Triumph – Win any level with the Necromancer leader class
    win any level with the tigran leader

Lady of Justice – Summon a Chthonic Guardian
Iron Sky – Win any level with a Grey Guard leader
Keep the Faith – Win any level with a Keeper of Peace leader
Shadowfall – Win any level with a Shadowborn leader
Lady of Light – Summon an Arch-Angel
Deep Friendships – Obtain a Reef Colony
Liberator – Liberate an oppressed enemy city via a betrayal event
Great Unifier – Win a unifier victory
Lady of Darkness – Summon a Fallen Angel
Interracial Harmony – Max out the race governance for three races in a single game
Dedicated Monogamist – Max out the race governance for one race in a single game
V-Mail – Win a PBEM game
Going Postal – Participate in a PBEM game
Master of Eternal Winter – Win the Eternal Lords Campaign for the Frostlings
For Whom the Bell Tolls – Kill a leader with Invoke Death
Join Me in Death – Recruit a Necromancer hero
Master of Eternal Magic – Win the Eternal Lords Campaign for the Shadowborn
Master of Eternal Silence – Win the Eternal Lords campaign for the Undead
Who Wants to Live Forever – Research Harbingers of Death
Harbingers of Deathを研究する(アークリッチになるやつ)
Living in a Ghost Town – Animate a ruined town

To Heal a Frozen Heart -Kill a frozen enemy
Cats Rule Everything – Win any level with a Tigran leader
Cold as Ice – Freeze an enemy unit
Winter Has Come -Win any level with a Frostling leader
Don’t Fear the Reaper – Summon a Reaper
Kittens Everywhere – Have six Tigran cities in a single game

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