Orcs のバックアップ(No.1)
※編集中。日本語化ファイルの神秘の書データ & 海外の"Age-of-Woders-3.wikia.com"のデータを元に作成してます。 クラスとの連携
Orcs, surprisingly, make excellent Theocrats – Tireless tireless orc Crusaders can make some of the toughest troops around, and the Theocrat can grant orcs a resistance to non-physical attacks they otherwise lack. They can also serve well for Dreadnoughts – many of their troops are Armored armored, and the reduced accuracy of orcs matters little with massed volleys of musket fire or the larger dreadnought war machines. Orc Warlords can reinforce many of the traditional strengths of the orcs, but can lack flexibility when brute force isn’t the answer.(英語版wikiから) 地形