Dwarves のバックアップ(No.1)
※編集中。日本語化ファイルの神秘の書データ & 海外の"Age-of-Woders-3.wikia.com"のデータを元に作成してます。 クラスとの連携
Their near-universal Armored Armored quality, including their Forge Priests, makes dwarves synergize particularly well with dreadnoughts – especially since Firstborn that have no fear of flames can make an excellent screening force for Flame Tanks. Dwarven toughness also makes them a good combination with Warlords, and warlord class units can cover for some of the gaps in the dwarven lineup, such as flyers and conventional archers. Surprisingly, dwarves also synergize well with sorcerers, through strong racial Support Supports and an army that can keep up with Floating Floating sorcerer summons both over and beneath the mountains.(英語版wikiから) 地形